Dari istilah persekutuan Amerika Syarikat, maksud pintar cerdas yang ditujukan kepada kanak-kanak,pelajar atau belia adalah mereka yang mempunyai potensi dan pencapaian yang tinggi dari segi bidang seperti intelektual, kreativiti, artistik, kebolehan kepimpinan dan juga mempunyai bakat dalam bidang seni dan muzik yang mengagumkan, serta mereka ini memerlukan aktiviti atau perkhidmatan yang lain dari yang lain atau istimewa yang tidak dapat diperolehi di sekolah biasa demi meningkatkan tahap kebolehan mereka.
Defenisi bagi Negara Kanada,pintar cerdas ditakrifkan sebagai suatu darjah keupayaan intelektual yang luar biasa yang memerlukan pengalaman pembelajaran yang berlainan daripada apa yang disediakan di sekolah biasa untuk memenuhi tahap keupayaan akedemik dan potensi mereka.
Di England, pintar merujuk kepada 5 peratus teratas dari semua populasi sekolah di dalam bidang akedemik manakala cerdas pula adalah 5 peratus teratas dari semua bidang lain. Pelajar pintar adalah mereka yang memilki kebolehan tinggi untuk 1 atau lebih di dalam subjek akedemik. Mereka ini tidak perlu menjadi pintar untuk semua subjek. Pelajar cerdas pula adalah mereka yang mempunyai kebolehan tinggi dari segi sukan, muzik , lukisan atau seni persembahan.
Ciri-ciri positif dari aspek fizikal, psikologi dan tingkahlaku kanak-kanak pintar cerdas
Pengamatan tinggi
• Menyedari sesuatu dengan lebih teliti berbanding dengan kanak-kanak yang sebaya dengannya yang mungkin akan terlepas pandang
Keinginan untuk tahu tinggi
• Ingin mengetahui semua hal seperti objek, idea, keadaan situasi atau sesuatu acara
Minat mendalam
• Mungkin akan menfokus sesuatu perkara yang diminati dalam jangka masa sebulan atau mungkin setahun serta akan menjadi terlampau dalam hal tersebut
Menerima infomasi dengan pantas
• Selalu diandaikan seperti span,menyerap segala maklumat dengan cepat dan banyak
Ingatan yang tinggi
• Selalu dikatakan mempunyai ruang simpanan memori yang luas untuk pelbagai topik serta mampu mengingati semula dengan cepat
Mungkin dapat membaca lebih awal
• Kebanyakannya dapat membaca sebelum umur 5 tahun
Kerap membaca serta meluas
• Suka membaca bacaan yang meluas dan pelbagai subjek serta membaca dengan pantas
Tatabahasa yang tinggi
• Memiliki penggunaan tatabahasa yang canggah serta banyak dan suka menggunakan perkataan yang baru dan unik
Tahap penumpuan yang lama
• Berbanding kanak-kanak normal mereka ini dapat memberi tumpuan yang lebih lama dalam sesuatu perkara kecuali aktiviti tersebut tidak menggunakan daya pemikiran
Kebolehan menyelesaikan masalah
• Kanak-kanak pintar cerdas ini mampu untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang sukar untuk ditafsirkan serta memiliki kemahiran berfikir yang tinggi
Suka bertanya dengan lebih teliti
• Kebolehan untuk mencipta teori baru terhadap sesuatu benda yang berlaku
Keupayaan imaginasi yang tinggi
• Mampu untuk membayangkan sesuatu samada baik atau buruk dan boleh mencipta cerita yang bagus serta boleh menyatakan segala kebimbangannya
Minat dalam falsafah dan isu-isu sosial
• Sebagai contoh, perjalanan galaksi,masalah-masalah berkaitan populasi dunia,isu-isu alam sekitar
Sangat sensitif dari segi emosi dan emosi tingkah laku
• Mudah kecewa walaupun dalam hal-hal yang kecil tetapi boleh mengalir air mata apabila melihat keindahan matahari terbenam atau mendengar lagu serta sanggup untuk berhenti makan daging kerana sangat simpati terhadap haiwan
Sangat menitikberatkan hal-hal keadilan
• Sangat teliti dalam hal-hal betul atau salah bukan sahaja untuk diri sendiri malah untu orang lain
Bersemangat dan bertenaga
• Mereka ini kurang tidur berbanding rakan sebaya mereka tetapi mereka masih mampu dan mempumyai tenaga untuk meneruskan kehidupan seharian
Pandai berjenaka
• Mampu mencipta suatu situasi jenaka dan melakukan jenaka yang mana rakan-rakan sebayanya langsung tidak memahami
Sangat teliti dan mementingkan kesempurnaan
• Tidak suka melakukan kesilapan dan mudah kecewa bila sesuatu tidak dapat dilakukan dengan sempurna
Perkembangan asynchronous
• Perkembangan fizikal intelektual, emosi dan social adalah tidak sekata sebagai contoh kanak-kanak berumur 6 tahun mungkin seperti kanak-kanak 10 tahun inteleknya, kanak-kanak berumur 8 tahun seperti sosialnya dakanak-kanak 6 tahun dari segi emosinya
Ciri-ciri negatif dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh kanak-kanak pintar cerdas
Permasalah dari segi perkembangan asynchronous
1. Kanak-kanak pintar cerdas ini boleh memahami secara intelektuel mengenai perkara-perkara abstrak tetapi tidak mampu menagani perkara-perkara yang melibatkan konsep emosi yang mana akan membawa mereka ke arah kebimbangan seperti kematian masa hadapan seksualiti dan isu-isu yang lain
2. Perkembangan fizikal kanak-kanak pintar cerdas mungkin akan membataskan perkara atau kerja yang mereka berupaya menyelesaikannya melalui gambaran intelek mereka. Sikap teliti dan mementingkan kesempurnaan boleh mendorong mereka kearah kekecewaan
3. Mereka boleh terlibat sama dalam perbualan orang dewasa seperti isu-isu global untuk satu minit tetapi selepas itu mereka akan menangis kerana mainan kegemaran mereka diambil oleh seseorang
Permasalahan dari segi pertuturan yang kehadapan dan kebolehan memberi alasan
1. Kanak-kanak pintar cerdas ini biasanya bersikap tidak mahu mengalah dalam apa-apa perkara. Walaupun begitu mereka tetap kanak-kanak dan memerlukan disiplin yang betul sengguh pun mereka itu bijak
2. Mereka boleh mempengaruhi orang lain. Ibu bapa dan orang dewasa lain perlu mangambil berat supaya mereka tidak menjadi orang yang mampu mempengaruhi orang lain kearah keburukkan.
3. Mereka juga akan cuba bersikap tunjuk pandai terhadap ibu bapa dan guru
Permasalahan dari segi sikap teliti dan kesempurnaan serta masalah emosi yang sensitif
1. Sikap kesempurnaan boleh membawa mereka kepada takut terhadap kegagalan sehingga mereka menjadi seorang yang putus asa
2. Mereka ini memerlukan data-data yang lengkap sebelum manjawap soalan-soalan yang diberikan, mereka sebenarnya lebih suka mencari jawapan sendiri kerana mereka malas untuk bersosial
3. Sikap sensitivity dan juga perkembangan minda mereka mampu untuk memikirkan hal-hal seperti peperangan, kebuloran, pencemaran, ketidak adilan dan keganasan. Jika mereka terlampau memikirkan isu-isu ini mereka akan mengalami masalah ‘introverted’ dan mungkin menjurus kearah “existential depression”.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Premier League Barometer
Who's Hot
Gianfranco Zola
His team might have been wearing two rubbish school sports day numbers on their chests, but everything else was stylish about West Ham's performance.
Paul Robinson
The fallen England goalkeeper was in superb form as Blackburn edged Fulham 1-0, making game-winning saves from Simon Davies and Andrew Johnson.
Michael Chopra
Wasn't it a good weekend for players who have battled gambling addiction? Chopra and West Ham's Matthew Etherington were among those getting on the scoresheet.
Ji-Sung Park
Last time Manchester United faced Chelsea - in Moscow last May - the Korean wasn't even in the squad. This time round he was not only a starter but a goalscorer to boot.
Arsene Wenger
Monsieur Wenger usually doesn't like it up at the Reebok, but he emerged with a smile on his face this time after a superb performance to overcome those brutes from Bolton.
The Blue half of Manchester
A new dawn has indeed broken at Eastlands. You know things are looking up when Stephen Ireland doesn't look out of place mid-samba with Robinho and Jo.
Who's Not
Robbie Keane
The Liverpool striker's goal drought showed no signs of ending against Stoke. Is the Irishman ever going to score again?
Stuart Downing
After hitting the crossbar with a penalty against Stoke, some would say it was brave of Downing to step up when Boro won a spot-kick versus Sunderland. Brave or stupid.
Nicolas Anelka
The Frenchman could have thrown away Chelsea's four-and-a-half year unbeaten home record when he missed an open goal - but Salomon Kalou bailed him out.
Stuart Attwell
The baby-faced referee's chances of taking charge of another Premier League game took a nose dive when he allowed a Reading 'goal' that clearly didn't cross the line. It wasn't even close.
Juande Ramos
The Spurs boss knows how to spend money - lots of it - but two points from five games suggest he is not quite as proficient at turning said cash into success.
Keith Andrews
Nul points for the Blackburn midfielder's attempt to maim Jimmy Bullard during Rovers' 1-0 win over Fulham. And Brett Emerton's efforts were hardly any more acceptable.
Gianfranco Zola
His team might have been wearing two rubbish school sports day numbers on their chests, but everything else was stylish about West Ham's performance.
Paul Robinson
The fallen England goalkeeper was in superb form as Blackburn edged Fulham 1-0, making game-winning saves from Simon Davies and Andrew Johnson.
Michael Chopra
Wasn't it a good weekend for players who have battled gambling addiction? Chopra and West Ham's Matthew Etherington were among those getting on the scoresheet.
Ji-Sung Park
Last time Manchester United faced Chelsea - in Moscow last May - the Korean wasn't even in the squad. This time round he was not only a starter but a goalscorer to boot.
Arsene Wenger
Monsieur Wenger usually doesn't like it up at the Reebok, but he emerged with a smile on his face this time after a superb performance to overcome those brutes from Bolton.
The Blue half of Manchester
A new dawn has indeed broken at Eastlands. You know things are looking up when Stephen Ireland doesn't look out of place mid-samba with Robinho and Jo.
Who's Not
Robbie Keane
The Liverpool striker's goal drought showed no signs of ending against Stoke. Is the Irishman ever going to score again?
Stuart Downing
After hitting the crossbar with a penalty against Stoke, some would say it was brave of Downing to step up when Boro won a spot-kick versus Sunderland. Brave or stupid.
Nicolas Anelka
The Frenchman could have thrown away Chelsea's four-and-a-half year unbeaten home record when he missed an open goal - but Salomon Kalou bailed him out.
Stuart Attwell
The baby-faced referee's chances of taking charge of another Premier League game took a nose dive when he allowed a Reading 'goal' that clearly didn't cross the line. It wasn't even close.
Juande Ramos
The Spurs boss knows how to spend money - lots of it - but two points from five games suggest he is not quite as proficient at turning said cash into success.
Keith Andrews
Nul points for the Blackburn midfielder's attempt to maim Jimmy Bullard during Rovers' 1-0 win over Fulham. And Brett Emerton's efforts were hardly any more acceptable.
A free world?
“Am I a spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on Earth, bred by men from outer
space in embraces with Earth women? Are my children offspring of the first
interplanetary race? Has the melting-pot of interplanetary society already been
created on our planet, as the melting-pot of all Earth nations was established in
the USA 190 years ago?
“Or does this thought relate to things to come in the future? I request my right
and privilege to have such thoughts and ask such questions without being
threatened to be jailed by any administrative agency of society... In the face of a
rigid, doctrinaire, self-appointed, ready4o-kilI hierarchy of scientific censorship it
appears foolish to publish such thoughts. Anyone malignant enough could do
anything with them. Still the right to be wrong has to be maintained. We should
not fear to enter a forest because there are wildcats around in the trees. We
should not yield our right to well-controlled speculation. It is certain questions
entailed in such speculation which the administrators of established knowledge
fear... But in entering the cosmic age we should certainly insist on the right to ask
new, even silly questions without being molested.”
The scientist, Wilhelm Reich, writing in his book, Contact With Space. Reich
died in a United States jail on November 3rd 1957.
space in embraces with Earth women? Are my children offspring of the first
interplanetary race? Has the melting-pot of interplanetary society already been
created on our planet, as the melting-pot of all Earth nations was established in
the USA 190 years ago?
“Or does this thought relate to things to come in the future? I request my right
and privilege to have such thoughts and ask such questions without being
threatened to be jailed by any administrative agency of society... In the face of a
rigid, doctrinaire, self-appointed, ready4o-kilI hierarchy of scientific censorship it
appears foolish to publish such thoughts. Anyone malignant enough could do
anything with them. Still the right to be wrong has to be maintained. We should
not fear to enter a forest because there are wildcats around in the trees. We
should not yield our right to well-controlled speculation. It is certain questions
entailed in such speculation which the administrators of established knowledge
fear... But in entering the cosmic age we should certainly insist on the right to ask
new, even silly questions without being molested.”
The scientist, Wilhelm Reich, writing in his book, Contact With Space. Reich
died in a United States jail on November 3rd 1957.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Aidilfitri is coming soon....cheer ourself up by hearing hari raya song....
click this link above.....
peace for the world.
click this link above.....
peace for the world.
"DEAR GOD"

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love
Purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you
Is to hold her when I'm not around
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again, oh noOnce again
There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
And all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you isTo hold her when I'm not around,
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found herAnd now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once againSome search,
never finding a wayBefore long,
they waste awayI found you,
something told me to stayI gave in,
to selfish waysAnd how I miss someone to hold
When hope begins to fade...
A lonely road,
crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love Hope is hard to find
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around,
When I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Richest man on earth...

The World's Billionaires

No. 1: Warren Edward Buffett
Country: United States
Net Worth: $62.0 billion
America's most beloved investor is now the world's richest man. The son of a Nebraska politician, he delivered newspapers as a boy and filed his first tax return at age 13, claiming a $35 deduction for his bicycle. This year, he soared past friend and bridge partner Bill Gates as shares of Berkshire Hathaway climbed 25% since the middle of last July.
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